Tuesday, June 19, 2012

13 june 2012 klein kariba outing

we were lucky enough to be taken out(all chefs and 2nd year f&b students) to klein kariba, a resort 20 km away from here. we were allowed to go into the kithcen and discover the place to see different aspects of their busines.  their kitchen suprisingly works without a executive chef, therefore all the decisions are made by the food and beverage manager, this can be useful, but what i think is best is to have someone in a kitchen instructing and providing help/guidance, this helps more with quality, but that is ony my point of view, they have a banqueting kitchen, which is useful for buffet type foods for large quantities of people, this is a very fun type of kitchen, because all guests are able to choose their portions and food items on a plate.

we were allowed to observe the restaurant and how their hot and cold buffets are set up, seeing as they are in a more rural area, they have more access to better technologies and outside help. the plate warmers and their buffet area was easily set-up and everything has its place. they had chaffing insert carts easier to move and place all food in their chaffing dishes easily.

after the brief tour we were all taken to a presentation where we sat down and listened to different commercial food sellers such as mediterranean delicacies, mc cain, tiger brands , pilsburg and rainbow chicken. they presented their products individually and let us sample all their goods to let us experience the new different products as well as the benefits of using their range. all these products ranged from chicken, beef, fish, vegetables, pastries, pate's, national and international cheeses, cavi-art, sauces, dips, pomme croqette, all these and more. after stuffing ourselves with their lovely food, we had to depart and return here to prepare for Adriano's funtion.

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